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Instagram Checkout Anyone?

27 March 2019

“The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.” - Michael Jordan

There's always a new shiny object to occupy your time.

Different models of selling online. Private label, wholesale, arbitrage, drop shipping. Or playing with the variables of your existing product line, like going for much more expensive products, or very low cost products, maybe trying oversize or heavy items. Even making changes to advertising campaigns or tweaking a listing.

We have tried them all. And the basics have to be right every time, or the rest doesn't matter.

You have to have a great product that fills a need for an identifiable group of people. And plan to expand into a group of products for that group of people. Then tell that group of people about the great product with outstanding storytelling, using sharp pictures, good keywords, and readable copy.

Work on the fundamentals. Do the work up-front. And there's a better chance of things falling to place.


Or is it cubic?  After a discussion during the last Member call, I did some digging around.  You should regularly be checking that Amazon has the right dimensions for your products.  Also make sure to check these dimensions if your fulfillment fees suddenly change.  Go to Reports: Payments: Fee Preview.  Here you can look at the weight and size for each item in your FBA inventory.  Make sure it is right, and create a support request to cubiscan any items which are too big/heavy.


Instagram is the next platform to try merging social media, brands, advertising, and purchasing. Instagram is looking to monetize all those followers and brands building audiences on their platform.

This month its rolling out to just a few huge brands like Nike, Adidas, and Prada, but this will roll out much wider as the idea proves itself.

This complete control of the customer experience, and the customer data, makes sense. One of the things we have seen as powerful on Amazon is the single platform integration of advertising through to purchasing. We mentioned a few weeks ago that google is doing something similar. Interesting to see where this will lead.

Instagram Checkout